
Christmas Comes to Town!!!

Chloe House
Yay! I just wanna say "Merry Christmas to Everyone!"  May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter & goodwill & may the year ahead be full of contentment & joy.
Have a Merry Christmas. ٩(^‿^)۶

Merry Merry Christmas!
Christmas Greeting
Gifts for You!

Christmas Tree :)

Santa Clause



Dream High Video!!

Hey guys! long time no see you ;) I just want to say that i just made a movie video with my clan members and a few from my buddies list on pico. This is our first video so, please forgive me if something wrong bout this lol >_< But i hope you enjoy this !

The song that i used in this video is Dream High from the same Korean drama stories called "Dream High" too. I don't know why i really inspired with "Dream" maybe this is because i am a dreamer XD

So please welcome and enjoy our first video "Dream High"
Note: Thanks to all who helped me to make this vidpic :D thank you all! u did a great job!


Brand New Park on Pico "Frontier Park"!

New park on pico Frontier Park!!!
It's Picnic Time!

And spin the new gacha! to get cute frontier items! The rare items is…. a Hood Roof Carriage!


Banned on Pico

I've heard a lot of people are getting banned in Pico. That's the risk when someone uses a shortcut to deceive or cheat. I do not mean to offend, but that's exactly what should be covered if you use shortcut. I must admit that even a few of my buddies getting banned, although he/she confessed to never use cheat. I think that's because the purchased of gold (Ameba Gold) that unsafe and insecure.

So, I suggest that you better be careful when you want to purchase gold. And for more secure I would suggest to purchase directly from Pico net. 
I hope this article can help you ! 
Have a wonderful pico life!


VoLoFoZ Fan Page Added!!!

Hi All! i just made official Fan Page for VoLoFoZ clan. Please Check out and clik the Like Button!! Thank You! :D


Please Check out our new fan page on facebook!

Sorry if that FP doesn't finish yet:D, but i still working on it!


Febry VoLoFoZ Member

Hi All! sori yaa kalo jarang nge-post blog sekarang, maklum kerjaan plus tugas menumpuk. Kemarin Febry salah satu member clan dateng ke room-ku for say heloo and said: " kok muka-ku ngak pernah di (pajang) di blog sih?" dengan action sad berkali-kali. Finally, i made her wish comes true! Ini beberapa foto yang aku ambil di room umm.. siapa yah pemilik-nya, yang pasti room someone(girl!) and she have a big brown monkey in her room! Enjoy!
Me & Febry with Big Flying Monkey?!
Say Cheese!
Merusuh Time! @,@
Oh iya satu lagi liat kan chinese girl yang lagi tutup mata itu, and she is Josh! um i mean another Josh account ^o^ (remember my brother? Josh?) yeah she is one of my bro! lol :D


Perubahan Anggota Clan (Member Changes)

๑۩۩Dewi۩۩๑™ atau (Leader 2) clan VoLoFoZ dan ๑۩۩Rizal۩۩๑™ atau (Leader 3) menyatakan sudah keluar dari clan VoLoFoZ. Untuk menggantikan posisi Leader 2 dan 3 ๑۩۩Karen۩۩๑™ menjadi pengganti Leader 2. Untuk pemberitahuan lebih lanjut silahkan bertanya ke Master Clan atau Co-Master.

Thank You!


VoLoFoZ Rules And Agreement

1. Wajib hadir jika Master Clan atau Co-Master mengadakan pertemuan (meeting) khusus tentang clan. Jika tidak dapat hadir harap lapor ke Master Clan atau Co-Master.

2. Menyapa sesama anggota jika bertemu.

3. Wajib Absen (me-ring) room Master Clan atau Co-Master jika sedang on pico. (Tujuan-nya: agar Master & Co-Master tau kalau kamu masih aktif atau on Pico.

4. Jika ingin keluar dari Clan, Harap lapor ke Master Clan terlebih dulu.

5. Hanya Master Clan yang dapat memasukan anggota ke dalam clan, Leader yang mencari anggota hanya sebagai perantara saja untuk menghubungkan kamu ke Master Clan).

6. Tidak menjelek-jelekkan sesama anggota clan, baik di pico maupun real.

7. Menghargai sesama Pico Users yang  ada.

8. Jika ingin masuk clan wajib lapor ke Master Clan, karna jika tidak itu berarti kamu belum benar-benar masuk ke clan.

9. Jangan mengganti NickName atau Profile Pico dulu sebelum di sah-kan oleh Master Clan atau Co-Master.

10. Semua orang dapat ikut Clan VoLoFoZ, tetapi mohon lapor dulu ke Master Clan.

ThankYou yang sudah melaksanakan agreement yang ada ^_^ Please read carefully :D Thank you
Serena (Master Clan)


Casino Card Grade

Just for an information, i want to explain about Casino Card Grade. Some people ask me "What is Casino Card?" What their used to? ".

Casino Card is a card that show us  which the results or our levels in the Casino Games. Example Red Card is for New player. Silver Card for Beginner. Gold Card for Normal, and the last Black Card for High Roller or High Income. 

Casino Card made based on the income level during a month. So your total income at the end of the month will decided which card would you have. 

This is the picture about casino card ^_^

Hope that information will help you ! (Best Regards~ Serena)


Meet And Greet VoLoFoZ

Hello All! Yesterday I Made a party for VoLoFoZ clan member. Actually, we meet for talking about many things >O< I know, just 5 came cause the others can't on that day :(. I hope we can take full member of our clan photos. So, be ready when i call you to come okay :D

Thanks for coming guys :D (Guminho, Rizal, Dewi, and Karen)
The Girls Showed Up !
Once again Thank You :)) for helping me >o<'

PS: Thank Your for our Readers :)


Clan Member

๑۩۩Serena ۩۩๑™  = Master Clan
๑۩۩Jack۩۩๑™  = Co-Master
๑۩۩Dwi۩۩๑™  = Leader 1
๑۩۩Karen۩۩๑™  = Leader2
๑۩۩Chumi۩۩๑™  = Member
๑۩۩Anggi۩۩๑™  =  Member
๑۩۩Uya۩۩๑™  = Member
๑۩۩Josh۩۩๑™  = Member
๑۩۩Valeria۩۩๑™  = Member
๑۩۩ Dea ۩۩๑™  = Member
๑۩۩Desi۩۩๑™  = Member
๑۩۩ƒєⓑ®ⓨ۩۩๑™ = Member
๑۩۩ΜĩĉēŁ۩۩๑™  = Member
๑۩۩Clanly ۩۩๑™  = Member
๑۩۩ ⓐⓡⓘⓠ ۩۩๑™  = Member
๑۩۩ Kevin ۩۩๑™ =  Member
๑۩۩¢míωω۩۩๑™  = Member
๑۩۩ ¢míω۩۩๑™ = Member
๑۩۩☜§ø†ø™☞۩۩๑™ = Member
Have A Wonderful Pico Life!


Ameba Pico Maintenance!

I still waiting for Ameba Pico, Until Now-_-". I don't know why Pico Staff spend many times just for New Gacha and bla-bla-bla. I happy saw Pico maintenance couse i know they want to fixed thing and others. But why the maintenance not finish until? now?! OMG i don't know why this happen often, like yesterday Pico said: Sorry we're having a Maintenance, Ohhw and the same things happen today too. And the bad thing is the maintenance spend a long time a couple hours even More! I dont know what happen, but i still hope i can play Pico tonight -_-" (Wish me Luck).

Posted by: Serena ( a girl who hates and loves maintenance )


Brother :D

Hi all, Jack and I have one brother name Josh, he is from Philliphine. Actually Jack meet him first, then he bring Josh to meet me. Now he join the clan too:). This some pics that i took when i visit him.
emm That's me and Josh hahaha we're kind a cute brother and sister right? <,< 
 posted by : ~Serena (MC)

RPS (Rock Paper Scisors)

Yeah Jack and I went to RPS1 we want to play some round and finish the Star Quest, A few minutes later Michi (our friend) came to us and join us. But i think we're not playing but took many pics:D LOL ~ Serena(MC)

In the middle of that photo shooting, Jack pout --" because Michi and I too busy taking pics by our self . You know Jack character he is really like to looking for attentions, so i not so worry about Jack oops. He will mad at me coz  i tell you he pout actions and bla bla bla. But it's ok who wants to worry about Jack if we have something more interesting?!

:)So This is the Good News i found new member for the clan :D

He is Bubu my friend too, actually his name is Richie Rich before he change it. So he come to me and ask me that he want to join VoLoFoZ clan, i said yes and i made him as Leader 1 (he will help u too, if u want to join VoLoFoZ). So Have a Wonderful Pico Life

PS: i will tell you more about our new Leader ok :D
Best Regards ~ Serena (MC)


Jack and Serena are looking for a new member for the clan!!

Hi all!, we are looking for a new member for the clan. So, if you interest or want to join us please tell us for confirmation :D Look like Na-San want to search a new pet member too:)

by:(Serena & Jack) Clan and Co-Master.


How To Buy Ameba Gold ( Tips and Trick Part 1)

Ameba Gold adalah salah satu jenis (uang) yang dapat di gunakan di Ameba Pico. Jika ingin membeli-nya anda bisa:
1. Ikuti pembelian resmi dari Ameba Pico dengan cara Buy atau Earn Gold. (biasa-nya pembayaran via visa(kartu kredit dsb.), ada juga beberapa cara yang dapat digunakan dengan Earn Gold/ mendapatkan Gold,salah satu contohnya adalah : Bermain Citty Ville (game FB) dan kamu akan mendapatkan kurang lebih 16 Ameba Gold. Ada banyak cara lain-nya tapi banyak yang ternyata harus kita bayar. Jadi gunakan-lah saran saya tersebut.

2. Untuk pembelian di luar Ameba Pico, banyak sekali Pico's Users yang takut di tipu dsb. Pertama, jika anda benar-benar yakin kalau cara tersebut berhasil yah silahkan saja.(asal jangan marah jika suatu saat profile pico anda atau facebook account anda anda masalah. Atau carilah penjual AG yang benar-benar menjanjikan, contohnya: punya web penjualan tersendiri yang aktif dan benar-benar berhasil. Rekomendasi saya adalah www.tokogamefacebook.com (krn di situlah tempat saya sering membeli AG dan selalu berhasil setidaknya sampai saat ini.) Sayang-nya web tersebut hanya melayani pembelian via transfer atau melalui bank. Jadi agak sulit untuk Pico Users yang belum mempunyai account tsb. Banyak Pico Users yang mencari pembelian AG dengan via pulsa. Hanya saya menyarankan untuk hati-hati karna belumn tentu berhasil.

3. Ada juga yang memakai jalan pintas dengan cara cheat. Saya sendiri tidak tau cara-nya dan tidak mencoba(krn saya memang tdk tau). Yah semoga saja Pico Users yang memakai cara ini berhasil, meskipun saya sarankan jangan terlalu banyak memakai cheat karna suatu saat someday Pico ID kamu bakal di banned. (no offense).

Yah semoga saja cara-cara saya di atas dapat berguna bagi anda ^_^.


Ameba Pico Is?! (Part 1)

Ameba Pico Virtual World adalah sebuah permainan yang berupa karakter 3D yang dapat dimainkan setiap usia. Unik-nya kita dapat membuat character kita sendiri dan berinteraksi dengan pengguna fb-ers atau orang di luar fb yang belum kita kenal. Pertama kali bermain kamu akan disuruh memilih mau character perempuan(girl) atau laki-laki(boy). Setelah pemilihan character itu kamu akan disuruh mendandani character kamu. Setelah selesai kamu akan masuk ke dalam sebuah ruangan, yang nantinya akan menjadi ruangan (room) kamu di pico.

Chloe ikon pico akan datang ke room kamu dan membawakan suatu list/activities yang harus kamu jalani, kalau kamu mengikuti semua kegiatan(ring, props, eat, hello, dsb.) kamu akan mendapat hadiah dari Chloe yaitu : sejumlah gummies dan 5 token. Gummies adalah sejenis mata uang di pico yang berbentuk seperti permen. Kamu bisa mendapatkan gummies jika melakukan berbagai kegiatan seperti:
Rings: Adalah suatu kegiatan untuk mem-bell (ring) room sesama pico. (kamu akan mendapatkan gummies hanya kalau room kamu yang di-ring bukan sebaliknya, kamu akan mendapat 10 gummies)
Change Clothes: Kegiatan mengganti baju (berlaku perhari/ setiap hari 1 kali) kamu akan mendapat 10 gummies)
Share Food and Drinks: Membagi makanan atau minuman ke sesama pico akan mendapatkan  10 gummies.
Play Games: Jika memainkan permainan seperti Card Match, Reversi dsb. Kalau kamu menang dapat 10 gummies, kalau kalah dapat 5 gummies.
Props: Hal yang paling sering di lakukan adalah mem-props sesama pico, kamu akan mendapat 10 gummies jika di props dan orang yang kamu props juga mendapat 10 gummies.


Anggota Clan ๑۩۩VoLoFoZ۩۩๑™

๑۩۩Serena ۩۩๑™         = Master Clan 

๑۩۩Jack۩۩๑™              = Co - Master

๑۩۩вuвu۩۩๑™                  =  Leader 1

 ๑۩۩Josh۩۩๑™             = Member

๑۩۩Chumi۩۩๑™           = member

๑۩۩Anggi۩۩๑™            = Member

๑۩۩Uya۩۩๑™                   = Member 


Welcome To ๑۩۩VoLoFoZ۩۩๑™! ^O^

Welcome! Clan ini adalah clan yang mementingkan pertemanan dan persahabatan. Setiap orang dapat masuk clan ini. Tidak ada syarat wajib yang diharuskan, yang penting harus menjaga kedamaian antara sesama anggota, clan, atau kelompok-kelompok lain. Bagi yang ingin masuk clan ini wajib lapor ke Master Clan atau Leader (Serena Ozera & Jack Ozera). Itu dimaksudkan agar kamu dapat bergabung bersama clan ini. Kami menerima dengan tangan terbuka, dan tanpa pandang usia, penampilan, newbie atau bukan, Star Quest, punya Ameba Gold atau tidak, dan sebagainya. Kalau kamu ingin bergabung:

1. Wajib menghormati sesama anggota Clan.
2. Menuliskan nama Clan  ๑۩۩VoLoFoZ۩۩๑™  di Profile Ameba Pico kamu.
    Contoh: Clan:  ๑۩۩VoLoFoZ۩۩๑™ (dng cara meng-copy paste )
3. Kamu juga dapat menuliskan ๑۩۩Nama Kamu۩۩๑™, di nickname pico kamu.
4. Menyapa sesama anggota jika bertemu.
5. Apabila  sedang On (bermain) sempatkan untuk me- Ring Room sesama anggota Clan.
6. Tidak menjelek-jelekan sesama anggota Clan, ataupun Clan lain. (krn Clan ini mengutamakan  persahabatan dan pertemanan)
7. Tidak membuat Rusuh di Ameba Pico maupun di situs lainnya yang berhubungan dengan Clan ini ataupun Anggota-nya.

Thank You bagi yang sudah join ke Clan ini ^o^, bagi yang ingin bergabung silahkan lapor ke Master atau Co-Master.

Best Regard :D